About the Author

Athol Day

Who is qualified to speak about Creation and Science? My lifetime experience as an engineer does not  qualify me to speak with authority on anything except structures, ventilation, thermodynamics, sound, vibration and noise control. But about 15 years ago, I decided to study all that I could about the cosmos and the various theories for the origin of life on earth and try to reconcile the varous scientific viewpoints with the creation story of Genesis chapter one. It has been quite an adventure.

My early training in Geology at the Ballarat School of Mines where I studied Civil Engineering has been of enormous help. Hector White was our Geology lecturer. A fine fellow, with an excellent understanding of his subject. He taught us the difference between sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks, not just on a blackboard, but by many field trips over mountains, up the Mount Buninyong breached volcano, and down the 32 km long Werribee Gorge, where we could see the formations caused by volcanoes and glaciers, and see at first hand the logic of his instruction.

None of us achieve a great deal in our short lifetime without leaning on the research and understanding of many others. We are most fortunate in this great “Information Age” to look over the shoulders of men and women like Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Madame Curie, Lord Rutherford, Niels Bohr and thousands of other brilliant scientists and astronomers. Well-thumbed books in my personal library include: “Einsteins Universe” by Nigel Calder, “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking, “Science and Theology” by John Polkinghorne, “Clues to the Creation in Genesis” by Donald Wiseman and of course “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin. But instant access to the world’s literature and research via the Internet is the kicker. Some caution is necessary, but this must be society’s greatest asset.

Thank you for referring to the Creation Science Window. I trust you will find my subject matter stimulating and would welcome the opportunity to respond to any questions or objections you would like to submit.

Athol Day

MSc(Acoustics), Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia and retired Chartered Professional Engineer

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