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Evidence of The Creation

15 Jun

Suddenly, in a split second, about 13.7 billion years ago, the Big Bang of Creation occurrred. While the stars and planets took further millions of years to form, no one can deny that the heavens and the earth just appeared out of nothing. The first statement of the bible is scientifically credible. Science cannot tell us who made it happen, but the laws of physics and the existence of light, heat, gravity, space, mass, energy and the careful atomic structure of the elements, indicate that it was all designed and controlled by some mighty intelligence to accommodate living organisms, such as microbes, insects, vegetation, fish, birds, animals and mankind. Is it more than coincidence that the order in which the various life-forms came into existence is consistent with the order of creation given in Genesis Chapter One?  1. Heavens and earth.  2. Light  3. Atmosphere (oxygenated by cyanobacteria).   4. Single land mass (Pangaea).  5. Vegetation.  6. Sun and Moon.  7. Fish, birds, animals and finally man. Genesis is a very old book, with estimates on its age ranging from 3,500 to 7500 years. The early writers knew nothing of palaeontology or earth sciences. They might have got the sequence of the Sun and Moon wrong, but the rest is spot on.

Stephen Hawking in his fascinating book “A Brief History of Time” published in 1988, suggests that the Universe started about 10 to 20 billion years ago with a “Singularity”, which was an infinitely small spot in space at the very beginning of time. If it is infinitely small, what is it? It is a figment of someone’s imagination. It is simply nothing. Astonomers and scientists are now in general agreement that the Big Bang origin of the universe occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. Quantum scientists tell us that sub-atomic particles just jump into existence and dissappear again just easily. They theorize that the Universe just jumped into existence, but no one knows where all the Energy came from to form the stars and galaxies as required by Albert Einstein’s famous formula:    Energy = Mass x Speed of Light (squared).

On this key mystery of the creation, science has no answers. An Almighty powerful God such as is described in the Bible is as scientific an explanation as any. In the first chapter of the above named book, Stephen Hawking  says: “One can imagine that God created the universe at literally any time in the past. On the other hand, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical reasons why there had to be a beginning.”